hi there,

PHOTOGRAPHer - content creator
- WORLD TRAVELER - solo female travel expert
content creator
solo female travel expert
why did i start my blog?
My blog was created for those who dream of traveling abroad, but often let this phrase stop them.
“I don’t have anyone to go with”
Each year I spend a month or more solo traveling and sharing my adventures, from staying in a tree house in the middle of the rainforest to crossing Europe’s highest suspension bridge in the Swiss Alps, exploring castles, and eating local cuisine.
When traveling solo, you are rarely alone and often experience things you would never have the opportunity to otherwise. There is a level of spontaneity that allows interactions like meeting fellow travelers or locals who offer to show you all that their city has to offer.
My passion for travel began when I decided to live an adventurous life doing things that set my heart on fire while encouraging others to do the same.

I’m a solo female traveler conquering one country and adventure at a time.
With each stamp that’s added to my passport, my heart grows with the beautiful sights of far away lands, cultures, people, and food.
Through my blog, I look forward to blurring the line and showing that a woman can backpack through Europe, zip-line through a rainforest, and picnic in parks across Europe all on her own while being confident in her skin.
- life style

- education
*Diploma from Makeup Designory (MUD) for completion of the Fashion Stylist Program:
(Beauty Makeup, Studio Hair Styling and Wardrobe Styling)
Certified since 2005
*Diploma for Character FX Artistry Course
Certified since 2005
*Licensed by the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
Certified since 2004
- experience
*Celebrity Makeup Artist
-Film & TV
-Red Carpet
American Idol, The Tonight Show, Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, FOX, HBO
Wanna See More? Click here
*Owner of Angela Mobile Makeup in Los Angeles CA
- random facts
-Business owner
-I have a sweets addiction. There are those people who are “salt people” or “sweets people” I 100% fall in the sweets person category. I can be eating a meal and literally be thinking about what I’m going to have for dessert afterward. If I could eat something sweet for every meal I would. Who am I kidding? I totally have.
-I really enjoy green smoothies and whip them up pretty often.
-I have loved scrapbooking since I was a teen. I have the papers, scissors, rulers, stamps, decals, the whole shebang. It’s no wonder I started a blog.
-I crave creativity, like live for it. A day doesn’t go by without me brainstorming some sort of new idea. My brain does not stop.
-I love game nights. Give me giant Jenga, board games, snacks and a cup of tea or coffee and I’m happier than any night out on the town.
-Sponsored blog posts
-Press trips
-Affiliate Advertising
...and more